This website www. is owned by SANISGROUP S.L.U. with CIF: B-42891671 and tax address in Polygono Industrial of Alboraia, Carrer Camí de la Mar, 51B, 46120 Alboraia, (València) operating commercially under the SANIMUSIC brand.

The General Conditions of Contracting regulate the distance sale relationship between S.L.U. and the user or customer, in accordance with the legal stipulations, in particular, Law 7/1998, of 13 April, on General Contracting Conditions, Law 3/2014, of 27 March, by which the refunded text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights, General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Law 7/1996, of 15 January, on the Order of Minor Trade, and Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on Information and Electronic Commerce Services.SANISGROUP S.L.U. reserves the right to make the modifications it considers appropriate, without prior notice, in the General Conditions.Such modifications may be made, through their websites, in any form admissible in law and will be of mandatory compliance during the time in which they are published on the web and until they are not validly modified by other subsequent.However, S.L. reserves the right to apply, in certain cases, a Particular Contracting Conditions with preference to these General Conditions when it considers appropriate, announcing them in timely and timely form.This website www. is owned by ASANISGROUP S.L.U. CIF: B-42891671 and tax address in Polygono Industrial of Alboraia, Carrer Camí de la Mar, 51B, 46120 Alboraia, (València), operating commercially under the SANIMUSIC brand.

The object of the website is the sale of chemicals and sanitary items such as masks, protective screens, thermometers, pulsioxymeters, gloves, etc.... and all kinds of similar solutions for the cultural sector.

The duration of the contract will be linked to the delivery of the product without prejudice to the right of withdrawal.

From Sanimusic we do not authorize the purchase of products to children under the age of 18.The use of their services by minors must be under the supervision of a parent or a tutor.Therefore, if a minor wants to buy any product, he only has the option to use the initial data of an adult and his bank credentials and under his supervision.

You can also subscribe to the Newsletter to receive offers of the products or general information that may be of your interest.
As a user or customer expressly declares to know, understand and accept the terms of use and these General Terms of Contracting.Similarly, it declares to be older of age and to have the legal capacity and to do the necessary for access to the Sites of S.L.U. and the contracting through them.
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform available at the following link: To purchase our products, you can contact the corresponding section of our online store.
Finished the purchase process the customer will receive a confirmation by email.It is essential that during the purchase process the user indicates a valid email.If within 24 hours from the completion of the order you do not receive the confirmation, contact SANIMUSIC at the customer service phone +34 722 47 22 33 or by email

All the contents on the web are at least in Spanish and can also be found in other languages.

The customer, upon receiving the product at the delivery address provided, will receive a invoice or copy of the order.


In the case of a product in offer, it will always be indicated along with its essential characteristics, the offer price and the validity of it.
In compliance with current regulations, SANIMUSIC offers information on all items on sale, their characteristics and prices.However, SANIMUSIC reserves the right to withdraw, replace or change the products offered through its website, by the simple change in the content of the same.In this way, the products offered at each time by the website will be governed by the General Contracting Conditions in force in each case.Also, the company will have the right to cease to offer, without prior notice and at any time, access to all or part of the products mentioned.


The products offered in our online store, incorporate a photograph and the essential characteristics of them, this is the information obtained from the manufacturer himself.The color and other features of the product photo are not binding.Only in your character sheet is identified the same.


SANISGROUP S.L.U. is responsible for the faults of conformity of all the products offered on the website during the period of two years from delivery.SANIMUSIC has a post-sales service, during the indicated period.The customer may address to the e-mail for this.In case of doubt you can contact the customer service phone +34 722 47 22 33 or by email


All products indicate the sale price in Euros and include the Added Value Tax applicable in Spain (VAT).

If any other tax was applicable, it would be indicated (IGIC or IPSI).


The delivery will be made within 10 days after the purchase has been made and the receipt of the payment has been verified.In case of transfer, a payment justification is requested.


The customer may pay the amount of his order by choosing any of the following ways.During the purchase process you must indicate your choice:

Credit Card, MasterCard

All transactions that involve the transmission of personal or bank data are carried out using a secure environment, a server based on the standard security technology SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).All the information you transmit to us is encrypted through the network.Also the data on your credit card are entered directly on the bank’s page, on the TPV (Bank’s Terminal Point of Sale) and are not entered or registered on any server of S.L.U.

When paying with VISA or MASTERCARD card you will always be requested the following data: the card number, the date of expiry, and a Validation Code that coincides with the last three figures of the number printed in cursive on the reverse of your VISA or MASTERCARD card, offering, in this way, more guarantees about the security of the transaction.

This payment form is valid only on the web.

If the amount of a purchase had been charged fraudulently or indebidly using the number of a payment card, its holder may require the immediate cancellation of the charge.In such a case, the corresponding allocation and reabonnement notes in the provider and owner’s accounts shall be made at the shortest time.

However, if the purchase was effectively made by the card holder and the return requirement was not a consequence of having exercised the right of withdrawal or resolution and, therefore, had indebidly demanded the cancellation of the corresponding charge, it will be obliged to rescue the damages and damages caused as a consequence of such cancellation.

by PayPal

It allows you to send payments online safely and conveniently.PayPal’s network is based on the existing financial infrastructure of bank accounts and credit cards to create a global real-time payment solution.PayPal offers a service specially designed for those who are not satisfied with traditional payment mechanisms.

More information on

The availability of the products offered by SANIMUSIC can vary depending on the customer’s demand.Although SANIMUSIC updates the stock periodically, the product requested by the customer could be exhausted at that time.In the event of non-execution by indisponibility, the company at the time it has knowledge of this situation will notify the customer, by means of an email.The period of this communication shall in no case exceed the maximum period of 30 days.SANIMUSIC may give the double option of: supply to the customer without price increase, a product of similar characteristics or of superior quality, or unless reasons justified and demonstrated by SANIMUSIC within this same period to pay the amounts paid for the cancelled order.



The buyer will have a minimum period of fourteen natural days to withdraw, from the day the customer receives the product, without any penalty and without indication of the reasons.
The exercise of the right of withdrawal shall be carried out by means of notification via telephone communication at +34 722 47 22 33 , addressing the e-mail, sending its writing to our postal address Polygono Industrial de Alboraia, Carrer Camí de la Mar, 51B, 46120 Alboraia, (València) or through the withdrawal form present at by

According to article 103 of Law 3/2014, of 27 March, which amends the refunded text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, the supplies of services or goods made in accordance with the specifications of the consumer or clearly personalized, or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or may deteriorate or expire quickly, are exempt from withdrawal.


The customer must return or deliver the product directly to S.L.U., to the Polígono Industrial de Alboraia, Carrer Camí de la Mar, 51B, 46120 Alboraia, (València), without any undue delay, and in any case within a maximum period of fourteen natural days from the date on which the right of withdrawal of the contract is formalized.The deadline will be understood if the customer returns the product before the deadline is completed.

The customer will be responsible for the return costs of the product.

Likewise, we inform you that health products such as masks, instrument cleaning clothes, disinfection clothes and other similar nature cannot be returned for hygienic reasons.


In the event that the product is not in good condition and the causes imputable to it, are not a consequence of the customer, the customer will have the right to the return of the product, informing the product of the reason of return through any of the means provided in the present contracting conditions, and without any cost for the customer.This return due to defect or bad condition of the product will not be considered a right of withdrawal.

SANISGROUP S.L.U. undertakes to assume the cost of the return and to return the product for a new one in accordance with conditions accepted at the time of sale.
If the customer wishes to submit a claim, the establishment of SANISGROUP S.L.U. is located in Polygono Industrial de Alboraia, Carrer Camí de la Mar, 51B, 46120 Alboraia, (València) or via the email



SANISGROUP S.L.U. reserves the right to submit the civil or criminal actions that it considers appropriate for the unfair use of its website and contents or for the breach of the present conditions.
The relationship between the user and the provider will be governed by the current and applicable regulations in the Spanish territory.If any dispute arises, the parties may submit their disputes to arbitration or go to the ordinary jurisdiction in compliance with the rules on jurisdiction and competence.SANISGROUP S.L.U.for these purposes, it has its domicile in ALBORAIA (Valencia), Spain.

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